Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have thoroughly enjoyed this class thus far. I must say however, that the blog format is not my favorite medium of conversation. I really enjoy the discussion board, I have found that on occasion I have had some really good conversations. Without a doubt though my favorite part of the class is the class itself. I feel that is the best medium for me to succeed in a class and I find that we have some really intriguing conversations. Even in weeks where I don't find readings entirely compelling I find the discussions in class quite riveting. As well I feel most people do participate which only adds to the rich conversation. All too frequently I find in class that most of the class stays quiet, but here we have succeeded in creating a good atmosphere where everyone can safely build off each others ideas. That is really what I'm looking for in a class, a place to shape my own ideas by listening to my peers relay their thoughts, relaying my own, and generally bouncing ideas back and forth.
Speaking to the content of this class I have found myself very intrigued. In fact I discovered a whole new genre of film that I now enjoy (clearly horror). The readings are interesting for the most part, which makes it easy to actively engage with them in class and in the discussion.

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